Project Calm and Project Touch in India
Project Touch contacted the Society for the Autistics in India (SAI) in Bangalore, India and identified that they have a dire need for technology to assist the 65 autistic individuals that they care for. Project Touch extended a helping hand and shipped iPod Touch units to these individuals, who now share the devices among hundreds. SAI was very excited to receive technology to improve communication, learn new words, and develop new skills.
We have been working with an organization called the Pardada Pardadi Educational Society (PPES), that supports education for young girls in rural villages in India. Last year, we began working with I Village, a social enterprise that teaches fundamental job skills to young women in India who would have been otherwise been unemployed, and forced to be married as teenagers.
In 2018, Save A Child Now suggested that the women of I Village create weighted blankets, because of their benefits to ease stress and help people fall sleep. After creating a business plan for the weighted blankets, Save A Child Now sent the information over to I Village for collaboration. Now, the young women of I Village have created over one hundred weighted blankets fully funded and designed by Save A Child Now. We are so happy to support young women and empower them with the job skills that they need to be independent.
A young woman stitching together a weighted blanket at I Village.