Our Vision
A Message from the Founders
We have heard that one learns the most important things in life at a young age. Our minds start to grow at that prime period during which we are exploring and experiencing; our ideas and passions form as we see and do certain things for possibly the first time. For us, that first time was when we were visiting India in 2008. Aside from the beautiful landscapes, sights, and sounds, we also observed the poor villages, the beggars that peppered every street, and the dirty conditions that were evident almost everywhere we went.
Walking out of Higginbothams bookstore, a majestic Victorian building, one of us felt a nudge. We turned around to find a young girl, with unkempt hair, dirty clothes, no shoes, and begging for food or money. Her sad eyes, tired from hunger, pleaded for an opportunity. Before we could give her some money, a policeman had chased her away. At that point, all we could do was feel really, really sad.
It was then that we both decided that we had to do something. We had to at least try to improve the lives of those who could make the most of it -- the lives of poor and underprivileged children. A few months and a heart wrenching Tsunami later, the nonprofit organization which we founded, Save A Child Now has raised several thousand dollars in funds. We thought after that trip to India about how every child deserves at the least a shelter, food, and an education.
To date, Save A Child Now has been able to support orphanages helping close to 400 orphans and help the Pardada Pardadi Educational Society in assisting about 200 girls escape childhood marriages and receive education for life. As a result, 138 villages have been positively impacted. Several have graduated and moved on to pursue jobs outside of their villages including in the United States.
Through our Project Touch initiative, we've assisted at least 150 financially disadvantaged autistic children in VA and India by donating iPod Touches for their therapy,
Through the Project Calm Initiative so far, we have been able to support 100+ children with cancer and other life-threatening illnesses with weighted blankets for pain management and anxiety reduction, as well as supporting job skills for the women in India who have created these blankets. These blankets have been gifted to hospitals so each single blanket helps multiple children.
With the Save A Child Now Foundation at several thousand dollars and growing, our goal is to continue to impact and change the world any which way we can. We would love your support and for you to join us and help in any way you can.
Priya Krishnan, Founder and Executive Director
Preeti Krishnan, Founder and Executive Director